I’m one of those who loathes Philipine political ads running on my site, especially of the candidate I never ever want to vote even in my dreams. Because of this I was forced to search for means to ban or block this particular ad running on my blog and this is what I found out.
This technique can only be done to Google Adsense ads.
- Log in your adsense account.
- Go to adsense set-up.
- Click on the competitive ad filter tab.
- Enter the display URL or destination URL of that ad. (Warning don’t click on your own ads as its a violation of the adsense policies.
Wait for a couple of hours for this to take effect. That’s it and you’re done!
Happy blogging!
awww, uo nga ee. tsktsk. grabe na ang strict ng adsense ngaun ee.
also did this on my site!
para naman kay manny villar and enrile na ads -.-
.-= Dani´s last blog ..How To Bid [and win] in Winila =-.
Thanks for the tip.
.-= Kasai´s last blog ..Liza’s Accesories Giveway =-.
Thanks Earth. i just used this technique 🙂
.-= wena´s last blog ..UP-Diliman Technology Management Center Now Accepting Application for the Master of Technology Management Program =-.
Thank you for sharing!
.-= Nicquee´s last blog ..How do you teach a child to write? =-.