$5 = 20 Less Hungry Children

My mom always tell us every grain of rice spoiled is equal to a hungry person in the world, because of this we were taught to don’t put in our plate what we can’t finish.

Sadly in restaurants worldwide, they discard tons and tons of food which I believe signifies the number of hungry people in the world.  This thought was confirmed by the World Food Programme report that this year (2010) the number of hungry people in the world could exceed a billion.

We can sit doing nothing about this because we are not included in that statistics or do a small thing to help or we can blog about or donate.  WFP said a dollar can feed 4 hungry children worldwide.

So, from now on until I can I will dedicate $5 or one paid post a month to the World Food Program so I can at least make 20 less hungry children in the world. I know its not enough but at least its a small thing I can do to prevent the number of hungry people in the world reach over 1 billion this year.

You my friend can help too by joining the Fill the Cup campaign of the World Food Programme. You can help by  sending  money via Paypal or through your credit card (monthly or one time donation) or you can just blog about this.

The World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency that aims to fight hunger worldwide, delivering food wherever and whenever it is needed most. In 2010, WFP aims to feed more than 90 million people in 73 countries. As an organization that is completely reliant on voluntary donations, WFP needs the help of generous people like you.


Most people think of malnutrition as not having enough to eat. But for many of the world’s one billion hungry people, the problem is that they get too few of the minerals and vitamins that they need to thrive, physically and mentally.

Malnutrition often starts in the womb, when malnourished mothers give birth to malnourished children. This creates a cycle that continues for generations, and we need to break this cycle and ensure that the right food is provided at the right time.

The first two years of a child’s life is essential. Without the right nutrition, the child’s physical and mental development is compromised irreversibly. When a child is malnourished its body struggles to do normal things such as grow and resist disease.

Hunger is killing thousands of children every day even though we have the knowledge, ability and means to prevent child malnutrition in developing countries.

Help feed the world, Fill a Cup for a $1 or by your blog post about this campaign and be a Blogger Against Hunger.

Worldwide Hunger Fact Sheet

Human Cost
  •  Hunger (underweight) is No.1 on the list of the world’s top 10 health risks.12
  •  Hunger kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.13
  •  According to the latest UNICEF report on child and maternal nutrition:14
  • — A third of all deaths in children under the age of five in developing countries are
  • linked to undernutrition.
  • — Among children under 5 years old in the developing world, an estimated one third –
  • 195 million children – are stunted, whereas 129 million are underweight.
  • — More than 90 percent of the developing world’s stunted children live in Africa and
  • Asia.
  • — The first 1,000 days of life is the critical window in which to tackle undernutrition.
Latest numbers:
  • — More than one billion people are undernourished worldwide — 1.02 billion
  • people going hungry every day.8
  • — Almost all of the world’s undernourished live in developing countries. In Asia and the Pacific, an estimated 642 million people are suffering from chronic hunger; in Sub-Saharan Africa 265 million; in Latin America and the Caribbean 53 million; in the Near East and North Africa 42 million; and in developed countries 15 million in total.9
  • — One in seven people (adults and children) goes to bed hungry each night.10
  •  In developing countries, the proportion of undernourished in total population has been cut from 37 percent in 1969-1971 to 17 percent in 2000-2002.11

P.S. Thanks to Roy of The Stuggling Blogger for showing me this campaign

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