SATC the Movie: Beyond the Glamour, It’s All Women!

I went to watch Sex and the City (The Movie) alone today. What a way to end the long shopping day and to have a date with myself but to watch this movie. It’s a real treat for me and to all the SATC fans in the world who missed these four fun, fearless and fabulous ladies; Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, for four years! I am such a big fan of the TV series, I so adore those ladies and now I love the movie. How I wish there would be a Part 2. Hopefully, every year there will be a SATC movie.

I read some negative review about the movie saying it was just like the TV series, nothing elaborate and fancy about it. Well, hello? I’m sure the one who said this was not a fan at all. That’s the magic of SATC and the movie, that’s what made the movie awesome, retaining the feel and the look of the TV series.

It’s like an old friend you haven’t seen in awhile and then when you meet again, it’s just like nothing has changed, the friendship and the bond you once had is still there. It just feels like you are catching up on an old friend’s goings on and happenings.

I also read a review saying these ladies are shallow and materialistic. Huh! I think he or she didn’t really watch the film or is envious that these ladies can afford to display the luxuries any woman could die for! The clothes, the shoes, the make-up, the Mexican get-away, living in Manhattan NY, awesome career, fancy lifestyle, beach house in LA, gorgeous men etc.

SATC’s trademark is the glamour but to actually appreciate SATC, go beyond the clothes, the shoes, the sex and the glamour. It’s the ladies characters and happenings that draw millions of woman to worship them. Every woman in the world can relate to each of the SATC’s characters woes, fears, happiness, and sadness. They speak the mind of every woman in the world who is in the same situation and with the way the characters and the stories was weaved together, every woman has a bit of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte in them. So this movie is all women, emotional and reflective at the same time. If I can bring my man to watch this movie, I definitely would, so he would understand what it feels like.

The most emotional part on the movie was the day of the wedding; when Mr. Big’s car and Carrie’s bridal limo pulled over in the middle of the street, I felt the anger, the pain, embarrassment, confusion and all other negative emotion you can ever think about was expressed in there by Carrie.

Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? See the movie! I’ll never tell. I think I’ll see the movie again soon too.

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  1. Yeah I think I’m gonna watch it ALONE…can’t wait till my bro. comes. And he might not wanna go anyway….;)

  2. Hahahaha Jade go watch the movie alone! I did!

    Ambrosia! Sorry for the spoiler hahaha! I want to make everyone WANT to watch it! Hahahahaha! Yeah I did cry too!

    The closet!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I love it! Every girls fantasy! LMAO!

    Me, I’m a Carrie too and want to be a Charlotte.

    Yeah I agree Samantha is awesome at 50! WOW!

    Yeah how dare they give it a bad review! I’ll watch it again 😀 maybe with my gay cousin this time. I sat behind a threesome gays! LMAO! It was funny!

  3. no not Miranda (I wanted to smack her), I meant Samantha!!!!!!!! can you believe 49!!50!!!

  4. {jumps around}I SAW IT!! I saw it!! I saw it!!! & I LOVED IT!!!

    It came out here May 30, so I went & saw it midnight Alone(after some twits canceled clubbing)=) I also sat in between 2 different gay couples! lol it was so funny.

    Girl your wedding paragraph is a SPOILER!! lol. I was almost crying in the cinema!! did you see the closet!!! wow! Miranda’s crazy!! Charlotte’s baby is so… cute!

    I’m a Carrie, lol (want to be a Charlotte). who are you =)

    How dare they give it bad reviews! It was Great!! (but Sara Jessica Parker looked really really skinny =/)

  5. I was thinking of watching it too since I don’t have much girlfriends here….but maybe I’ll drag my brother when he comes here next week for his vacation. Ha ha ha

    I am so excited to see it.

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