What Philippine Independence Day Are You Talking About?

I’m sorry but I will not greet everyone a Happy Independence Day because honestly our country was never ever independent from outside forces. That proclamation of independence on June 12, 1898 in the Philippines “where Filipino revolutionary forces under General Emilio Aguinaldo (later to become the Philippines’ first Republican President) proclaimed the sovereignty and independence of the Philippine Islands from the colonial rule of Spain after the latter was defeated at the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War.” … was not recognized by the United States or Spain, as the Spanish government ceded the Philippines to the United States in the 1898 Treaty of Paris, in consideration for an indemnity for Spanish expenses and assets lost.

“The United States recognized Philippine independence on July 4, 1946 in the Treaty of Manila. Independence Day was observed in the Philippines on the July 4 anniversary of this event until, upon the advice of historians and at the urging of nationalist politicians, President Diosdado Macapagal signed Republic Act No. 4166 into law on August 4, 1964, designating June 12, which had previously been observed as Flag Day, as the country’s Independence Day.” * source Wikipedia.

I admire the people behind our history who sacrificed their life for the independence that we know we have.  I feel saddened that all their efforts are wasted.

Aside from the above facts right at this moment all Filipinos are bound hand and foot by the present administration. Their President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her allies will maneuver towards the direction they want for the Philippines. Ever since she got the position she has no intent of letting it go. Ergo she will push through the Constitutional Assembly and the Charter Change so that the Philippines will become a Parliamentary form of the Philippine government and she will be the Prime Minister.

Most people who have to work everyday to survive don’t believe in taking the matter on the streets because that will mean a day’s income lost. Survival is the name of the game now and an individual has to take care of his own interest to live, especially if he got people who depends on him. Their President Arroyo knows this reality and she is taking advantage of it.
Rallying For Freedom From Corruption
Now what are we going to do? What are you going to do? Are we gonna revert to blood shed? Are you ready for that? Are you gonna go with the flow and be used by another group of people who have their vested interest in mind?

Happy Independence Day? Why not it’s a holiday and a double pay for workers.

(The skeptic in me strikes back)

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  1. Exactly Lemuel and because of the constant change of Holiday their President Arroyo did since she was in office people don’t actually know now the value of such dates and why we celebrate it except for that a holiday and a double pay.

  2. it is a pity that most Filipinos nowadays do not celebrate independence day here in our country. people are more interested because it means double pay for workers or a 1 day vacation added to a weekend. i don’t blame them. independence day is worth celebrating if Filipinos are better off compared to our grandparents and great grandparents during the time when it was declared a national holiday. i guess if you ask an ordinary Pinoy nowadays, he or she would think it would have been better if we are under USA or Japan who are both 1st world countries. even at times of recession, people would still choose to go to America, Europe or Japan instead of staying here. it is a pity but i think it is a reality.
    .-= lemuel´s last blog ..Con Ass Rally in Makati =-.

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