Dance Your Way To Health

If I only had the time I used to have for myself before being a mom, dancing would definitely be one of the things I would love to do to keep my body fit and healthy.  I love dancing and it’s the least stressful form of exercise.  It’s hard but not as stereotyped and as boring as going to the gym and doing crunches or doing the treadmill.  Sorry, I am not a fan of going to the gym.

I know that dancing isn’t for everyone specially those who lack the confidence to try as they feel they look like some trying hard clown.  But honestly if everyone puts their mind to it dancing is the funnest way to keep fit.  Tell me, have you ever seen a dancer that doesn’t have a fit body?

A natural health blog I came across today, the Healthy Fellow, states in one of his post the benefits of dancing for health.   He pointed out the result of a recent study about how dancing can be an efficient manner of improving cardiovascular health, physical fitness and managing weight control.

The best news about this line of study is that scientists from around the world are finding that just about any manifestation of this art form is comparable to or more effective than many standard exercises, such as walking. In addition there’s some evidence that suggests a lower drop-out rate in dancers as compared to those engaging in more conventional exercise routines.

Here is a comparison he made about a couple type of exercises like golf, slow walking, brisk walking, yoga and dancing and how many calories per hour one can burd by doing them.

He also mentioned some type of dance one could take to boost ones health like Turkish Folklore Dance, Latina Aerobic Dance, African American Chruch Dance, Hip Hop and Line Dancing.

There are so many gyms offering dance lessons now if you can’t find one near your location you can try seaching the internet on places you can enroll for these type of classes.  Personally I would love to take more Poi Dancing lessons although it’s only good for the arms and chest.  I also find Pole Dancing a nice way to tone your body as it uses every muscle in your body.  Imagine lifting yourself up on the pole and controling your moves!

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