Independent film or indie film are movies produced by small time movie or film outfit. Their movies have low-budget compared to big film productions but if the script and the director are good the movie can make waves.
Maybe you have seen one or two or a number of indie films already and thought “hey, I can do that.” Well, this can be your lucky break, there are 10 scholarship slots for students or teachers who are currently enrolled or employed in a legitimate university or any film editing school to attend a workshop for indie film course production.
This is an annual indie film class by Sinehan Digitales that will tackle the practical applied arts of indie movie-making and will also touch on the art and craft as well as the business of making indie movies that sells. Although most of the theories on how to make movies film-like or artistic is already taught in schools and books but it is this other very important aspect of independent movie production which is management, completing a movie within budget, marketing and promotions, and how to self-sustain as an independent producer will be discussed.
This indie film will be very useful for teachers who intend to teach this in campus for their film classes or film schools.
This is also beneficial for students who are taking their degrees in film this can be your preparatory film course . This will allow you in making less mistakes when you do your actual film editing school production.
Indie Movie Production Workshop will start on April 20 and will be held every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5-8pm and hopefully you will keep keep your Saturdays free for production exercises. Students during the workshop will be immersed in actual indie movie productions by Sinehan this summer.
Students and teachers from La Salle, St. Benilde, Assumption, Ateneo, and other exclusive schools will not qualify for the scholarship.
Aside from film production Sinehan also offers acting workshop that will start on April 17 and will be held for five consecutive Saturdays. Students of the acting workshop will perform in front of a camera every session. we will produce a full length movie for you at the end of the workshop. Wworkshop fee is Php 8,000.00. Call 09208619880 for more details.
Sinehan will also have their first Adobe Premiere editing Workshop for Digital Movies. Classes will start April 21 and will be held every Wednesday 5-8pm. Students for the digital film course / film editing course will be editing actual movie projects and if you do well you might get hired should you consider a career in film editing. contact 09279278844.
HI. I’m very interested in your Indie Movie Production Workshop. How can i contact you? Thank you 🙂
i believe that there are many indie films that are really worth watching for and many of them were recognized inside and outside of our country.
I saw an Indie Film from Davao. It’s called Houseboat. 🙂 I think Indie films should be given credits since they are made from talent and for art not for commercial purposes.
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