Alcon, makers of FreshLook Contact Lenses revealed their latest and first ever Filipina endorser, Julia Montes, same time as they launched their latest product the Dailies FreshLook Illuminate contact lenses in the Philippines. The event was held at Torch restaurant in San Juan. I will tell you more about the Dailies FreshLook Illuminate Contact Lenses meanwhile, here’s some pic from of the product and the beautiful already a grown-up Julia Montes.

I will try to use the dailies freshlook illuminate tomorrow at the #BU5 bazaar and will post a review soon.

Stay gorgeous everyone!
I have never tried wearing contact lenses; I guess I’m satisfied with wearing my prescription glasses, easy and hassle-free, but hey, I’m intrigued. Why is it called “Fresh Look illuminate”? Do they really give you that “fresh look”?