An App that Gives You Fast Access for a Medical Consultatin with a Doctor

My Pocket Doctor, have you heard about it?

It’s the first I’ve heard of in the country and personally, I was excited to get the medical consultation card worth Php450.00 sent to me by a PR agency. I had this daydream sequence of having a Dr. Derek (from Grey’s Anatomy) that I can consult about my health concerns. Hearing his voice at the end of the line would be soooooooo… dreamy. Hahahaha!

Anyway, yeah, I had that vision.

However, at the back of my mind, I wished I never have the need to use the card. Because using it means I am sick and being sick to me is not an option.

But it happened, I was not feeling well. My throat is swollen like crazy, I don’t have a fever but I have a lump on my throat that it is kinda hard to swallow, and it feels really dry in there no matter how many liters of water I already consumed.

I logged in at to register (I tried downloading the up right away from my smartphone but I am not sure which app to click, the color of the logo on the card and what I saw on the card were kinda different).

I went to the My Pocket Doctor site and register.After registering you will have to wait for an email on the email you used to register for a link to confirm your registration so you can download the app or at least get the right app (App is available on Google Play and Apple App Store). To make it easier for you just install the MyPocketDoctor App by Mediaxes.


After registering you will get a call from a nurse on duty to give you an assessment to schedule your consultation with a doctor. They will ask if you want to proceed or not. As for me I did not proceed because I checked the consultation fee and my card was not sufficient for a one-time consultation.

The nurse-on-duty I talked to was Rex, he was very nursy, patient, and calm, I was Mmmmm slightly snobbish. I was ragging him for the difference between the amount of the card Medicard is selling / or was sent to me from the amount of consultation as posted on their website. Rex said he will ask about my concern and will get back to me after 24 hours. he called around 11ish-PM its 8ishAM now (I’m still waiting).

What I think of it: (rating is 1-5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest)

Registration: 5
Very easy and the questions are not very complicated. You can even register via text message by sending their email address and cellphone number to 29290DOCTOR and wait for a call from a nurse on duty to complete your registration.

Downloading the App: 4
I tried going directly to download the app but I was not able to find the right app because the color of the logo on the card and the app differ. I tried to search for Medicard MyPocketDoctor but the same result I got confused. So I just followed the instruction on the card that I need to go to the website first to register to which I will get a link. It will be more convenient if they let you go directly to the app download and register using the app or at least have the name of the app developer on the card they are selling so it is easier to find it.

Response time: 5
A few minutes after confirming my registration I got a call from the nurse-on-duty right away. I did not proceed to have a consultation appointment though because my concern was my fund was not enough. I asked Rex how will I pay for the excess amount and he did not know. So he said he will get back to me on that. However, I saw on the site that you can pay using Paypal or a Credit card which is convenient.

Talking to the nurse: 4
The experience was like talking to a real nurse in the hospital as the nurse will ask so many questions including your medical history and medical insurance or membership to Medicard if any. Kinda annoying but well my objective self is telling me it is alright as it gives you the “real hospital/clinic consultation” experience. Not bad.
Consultation with a Doctor: (no rating yet)
I have not talked with a doctor yet as I did not proceed. The check-up will be done via phone but they said you can do the consultation via Video Call for cases that need visual assessment such as skin rashes. Sounds cool!

Do I recommend My Pocket Doctor?
While my Doctor Derek fantasy was not fulfilled (LOL), I think MyPocketDoctor is very convenient and promising, especially with the fast phased world we are living in right now. It cuts through lines and hours and hours of waiting in a hospital or clinic just to have a few minutes of a doctor’s time to get medical consultation on your health concerns. It saves a lot of time and money and quarantines a person at home so he/she could not spread the virus and affect others if his/her sickness is viral. This is very convenient for those who live alone and those who do have not enough strength to bring themselves to a doctor because they are feeling really ill. This is a perfect way to make healthcare accessible to people which is really great.

I just hope the site gets updated so as not to confuse the users about the consultation fee. The site said the consultation fee is Php495.00 but the card they are selling is just Php450.00. The nurse I talked to said consultation is indeed Php450.00 only he was unsure about why the site still says Php495.00. I said I will proceed with a consultation once the site is updated.   After 12 hours, I got an email from Medixes saying they have corrected the consultation fee posted on the website.  The consultation fee is Php450.00.


The MyPocketDoctor Medical Consultation Card is available through select MediCard free standing clinics at the moment and soon will be available at Medicard’s online store.

What do you think, would you try a medical consultation with the My Pocket Doctor?

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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