The Avatar movie by James Cameron’s was the first full length movie that my DD Tasha watched from beginning to end without making a fuss. We even watched it on IMAX that time and inspite of fearing she might fuss over or get uncomfortable after 15 to 30 mins I was surprised she was able to make it through the entire 3 hours with occasional excited gestures and sounds because Avatar is such a visually stimulating movie.
Yesterday, I was privileged to be invited to have a backstage Tour of Cirque de Soleil TORUK First Flight in Manila, Philippines and it was all surreal. I brought my DD with me and we both were very delighted to see props, costumes and the bare stage and rehearsals. We even get to talk with some of the cast from different parts of the world.
Cirque de Soleil Toruk First Flight inspired by James Cameron’s Avatar composes of 45 Acrobats, puppetteer to recreate the magical world of Pandora as inspired by the movie AVATAR by James Cameron.
Toruk First Flight will be showing this June 23,2017 to July 2,2017 at MOA Arena. Ticket prices starts at Php1,500 for general admission up to Php7,638 for the front row seats.
Watch me getting giddy while having the tour and have the backstage pass as well in my video blog below:
We will be watching the premiere show today June 23,2017 and I am so excited. I will tell you about it as well of course.
Stay gorgeous everyone!