Feng Shui Tips Right at Your Finger Tips

Do you believe in the practice of Feng Shui to enhance the quality of your life?

If you do,  here’s something I suggest you download immediately using your iOs device or Android phones.  The Marites Allen mobile app makes Feng Shui tips right at your fingertips available anytime and anywhere.

Launched yesterday at Marco Polo Hotel through ABS-CBN Publishing, the pioneering app offers expert advice on finding good luck. It features a daily forecast of opportunities tailor fit for individual users based on geomancy or feng shui.

Marites Allen Feng Shui App

Marites Allen Feng Shui App

The free app also has list of “suitable” and “unsuitable” activities that users can use as a guide to boost their chances at success or to warn them on the possibility of unfortunate occurrences.

Marites Allen Feng Shui App

Marites Allen Feng Shui App

Feng Shui is known for its “use of energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment.”

The Marites Allen Feng Shui app can be downloaded for free from Google Play and the App Store. However, it is only available in English for now.

I have been friends with the Marites for years now and I definite feel my life easier with all her Feng Shui suggestions and charms she gave me every year.

Marites Allen Feng Shui App Marites Allen Feng Shui App Marites Allen Feng Shui App

It will be great if the app will soon feature a shopping cart type where you can immediately shop online for all the charms suggested for you.

Meanwhile you may shop for the gorgeous luck enhancing  charms at Frigga Charmed Life stores mostly in SM Malls or visit Frigga on Facebook for details.


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