Because of my supportive readers , I and my blog have been feature in a number of newspaper and magazine. I have also worked in several endorsement projects as brand ambassador/ online influencer.
I am thankful for all of this! Here are some of the features I was able to save, some are scattered somewhere I was not able to get a copy.
Yay Top 1 Fashion and Beauty Blogs

Top 4 on the Top 10 Fashion and Beauty Blogs Philippines

I’m a DOVE GIRL and I love it!

COCA-COLA Happiness Correspondent (Coca-Cola Philippines 100 Years Anniversary)


METRO Magazine February 2011 Issue
The Muse Issue
Start the Year Light Nuetrogena Fine Fairness Feature
MEG Magazine October 2010 Issue
Annual Beauty Awards/New Improved Issue
Netizen Beauty Pro Features
I became a Chef de Partie for a day. featured in Anchor’s website
That’s the pic on the site, kewl!

For any event invites, product review request, advertising inquiry and placement, violent reactions (I hope none!) , suggestions and other concern please email me at earthlingorgeous (@) , earthlingorgeous (@)
Stay gorgeous everyone!
I also do talks on Blogging My iBlog7 Talk

Hello please contact me on my email.
I came across your website while was doing a research for my client.
I’m reaching out for a possible collaboration. My client is willing to offer payment for a link on your website.
Please let us know if you would like to work together. You can reach me via email at
Let me know what you think.
How’s it going, earthlingorgeous?
OK, I used to be Instagram-”big”, too.
If you are like me, you’ve scrolled through Instagram, thinking “how do these friggin people get so rich and famous”?
I want you to imagine that it is Friday and you have just woken up from a sound sleep.
You pull out your cell.
Hit the Instragram App.
Whoaaa, you think, Over 561 likes on a single picture.
Heading to the kitchen, you put the kettle on for some coffee and glance at your Instagram while you wait.
Presto! Another 63 likes.
Ding—another message pops into your inbox from a follower. They’re asking you for advice on how you manage your food, and are congratulating you on your third month of hitting the gym.
As you read it, you begin to smirk. It’s a amazingly hot person, and they love your posts.
As you begin to respond, your phone buzzes again.
Wow, ANOTHER message. You close your cellphone and throw it in the bag. Time for the gym.
Listen, earthlingorgeous, most people just are not in control of their life. Seriously, they can’t even get themselves to eat a balanced brekky, much less hit the gym.
My job is to take people from Instagram anonymous to Insta-celebrity. (It sounds ridiculous, but results do not lie.)
Now, what if you raised your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?
Truth is, it is not the most complicated thing in the world to get more. As an example, all the old pros use our website.
Automagically see tons of likes on your images just minutes after posting.
The “Top Post” section, all of a sudden, doesn’t seem that far away.
This is all great, but you’ve actually got to put in the work to make it happen. OK, you got me, it’s not real work.
1. Check out jabbertune .fun
2. Put your Instagram username.
3. The 3 pictures you posted last will receive 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.
Being a everyday name on that page will supercharge your growth 10x, easy. But if you want the fame, you’ve got to reach for it. Are you ready?
Chow for now.
Hi Ms. Earth! We recently started an online shop that sells activewear and summer tops to keep our customers motivated. We would like to send you samples of our leggings so you may use it when you exercise and hopefully it will inspire others to start or sustain their fitness journey. This would mean the world to us– we hope to hear from you.
Thank you so much and stay blessed 🙂
Hi, my name is Melissa, and I adore your blog!! I was looking at your site on my iPad and noticed you are not taking utilizing your mobile advertising space. I would love to help you monetize it.
Just a brief overview of mobile ads, the ads appear on your website only when looked at from any mobile devise. You do NOT need a mobile site to start make revenue from mobile ads.
Desktops are becoming obsolete, tablets and smartphones are taking over for 2014. I don’t want to bore you with stats or take up more of your time, however if you would like more info please contact me at It takes only a few moments to set up and you can begin putting ad tags on your site and making money immediately!
Melissa Brueggemeyer
(702) 708-2920