Vengeance Is Not the Answer

When someone did you wrong, should you retaliate? How will you retaliate? Hurt the same person who hurt you same way he/she did? Or hurt the same person doing the same way he/she did with another? Revenge is sweet sometimes but looking deeper into it, revenge will hurt you too. It hurt the person who […]

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PMS mode!

What is PMS? Pissy Mood Syndrome (Pissy Mode Syndrome) Yup! That is me today, the full moon effect on me (add to that my annoyance with my server). It’s just two things, either I’m very high spirited or very low as in pissy mode. If anyone want to make a fight as in scream off […]

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I’ll give them this Holy Week

I got an e-mail from the Customer Service of my internet service provider: Dear Ms. ——, Thank you for giving us feedback regarding your SMART Bro subscription. We have relayed the situation to our support group for prompt handling. Service Request (SR) No. 209697731 will serve as reference for the action we initiated. You shall […]

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Thwarted sensations, postponed fulfillments, they are what I believe to be the reason for my sleeplessness. I want to cry, I want to shout, stomp my feet on the ground, throw everything my hands can reach. I just want to break free! How can I go on? I cannot. Oh! just let me flop down […]

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Rallying Behind In-credible Witnesses

I was trying hard to be apolitical in my blogs but well again here I go. At 4pm this afternoon there will be an anti-government rally in the city of Binay, I mean the business capital of Metro Manila, Makati. Same people confirmed their attendance but the students and other responsible for the successful Edsa […]

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Happy Valentines!

“Those who fall in love and say they are in love with someone they haven’t seen or touched need psychological help.” Was she being sarcastic, pessimistic, realistic, and idealistic or was it because she has not experienced love on its peak level? I’m not being judgmental though I am reacting from my own experience. It’s […]

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Wide awake at 3am!

It’s 3am I should be sleeping but I can’t my mind still racing, wishing, hoping, dreaming awake. I was described as mysterious, for someone who doesn’t know me well that could be a very easy assessment of me. I don’t let my guard down, I don’t talk to strangers. Hell, I don’t even do small […]

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Leap Year is Ladies Privilege!

Feel like being a Zsa Zsa Gabor? (She was famous to proposing marriage to all his 9 ex-husbands) Well this is your year. If your man doesn’t propose marriage to you this year then do the proposing yourself! Since this year is a leap year there was a folk tradition that women especially marriage-minded ones […]

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