I Had A Weird Dream

Can you tell me something about my dream? It’s very odd. Here is how the dream went.

The part of the dream I can remember began with me and an old office mate and went out catching up about each other to eat out in a mall. Around late afternoon we separated and he said he will just go change. I also went home (in the old house and neighborhood we had when I was in grade school).

For some crazy reason (maybe I was thinking of American Idol way too much?) .The program is about to start and I am cramming because I wasn’t ready to appear on stage and I was looking for my black and white dress.

Funny, that office mate also joined American Idol and both of us were able to make it to the top 10 so we went out again to celebrate.

Then I and that office mate met again at one of my best friend’s house and it looked like they were playing some silly naked game. They wanted us to join but I don’t feel comfortable getting naked with everyone but we went to play with them except for getting our clothes off.

After the game we went out I went out and found our way to some unpainted, not tiled comfort room. There was a woman in the comfort room and she wears an all white long dress like a nun but not really. I didn’t see her face but I saw her hands she was hanging something and then she said “Everyone prepare, the immortal is born.”

Suddenly there seems to be a commotion and everyone was rushing to get out of the place. The exit was a very narrow passage. The yard is very big and I saw a group of cheer leaders doing a pyramid and want to have a group picture but because I was in a hurry to leave the place I accidentally bump the pyramid and the formation collapsed. I told them if they form-up again I will take their picture to compensate but because I don’t know how to use their camera they ended up rushing to get out of the place too so no picture was taken.

I was back at the comfort room again and the same woman I saw before was still there, this time her clothes are all bloody. There was another woman sitting in the corner across her and she seemed like praying.

Then I had a non-stop nosebleed, it was horrible, three huge lumps of blood clots coming out of my nose, my nose was bleeding profusely virtually bathing me with blood. Aside from the nosebleed I was also vomiting blood and felt a terrible headache and back pain.

Then I saw a coffin with 4 dead bodies almost ready to decompose, and then something came over and ate the first body’s heart and organs, it did the same for the three others and left so swiftly.

I was still having my nosebleed and I was reminded by the woman again “the immortal has come everyone should prepare.”

Then I woke up at the thought of my daughter I am not ready to leave yet while I was in the dream having that nosebleed and tremendous headache.

Isn’t that a crazy odd dream? What do you think it’s all about?

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  1. Probably it has something to do with funerals too but that was so weird. And someone eating the flesh and goodness that nosebleed.

  2. Earthingorgeous! I envy you! I believe dreaming, regardless how strange or horrible they are, dreaming is a sign that you are sleeping well too. I envy you because I havent been able to dream in sleep or remember any in a long while.

    I’m not sure what to make of your dream, very interesting, very vivid!

    I think maybe going to funerals lately has something to do with the coffins?

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