Philippines Top Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle Blog – Earthlingorgeous
Being one of the Top Fashion Beauty Lifestyle Advocacy Blog in the Philippines, I decided to use my so-called influence for a greater good and not just my own. So I decided to support charities I believe in and integrate them in activities I do as a blogger. I reach more people and more people can get the help they need.
Help re-Build Homes, re-build Lives
Earthlingorgeous – Philippines Top Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle Blog
Top 4 Things I Blog About and Why:
Fashion is what you buy. Style is how you wear it. With that said my fashion post is all about what’s new, (collection launches) where to buy them (shopping venue), and sometimes show you how celebrities wear it (who where’s what). Sometimes I also post about my personal style (OOTDs or What I Wore).
There are so many products out there that helps enhances our beauty inside and out. I blog about the latest in cosmetics (makeup, skincare,hair care) where to get them, how to use them and what I think about them based on personal experience of using it (product reviews). Also about health and fitness as beauty is skin deep.
Material things expire but not the memories you make and experience you gain from travelling, it last a lifetime. Here, you can read about the places I’ve been, what I enjoyed most during the trip, and handy tips you can use when you decide to go out and travel more! Plus food trips and food stories!
Above everything else I am an autism awareness advocate because I have a daughter who is one and I support any move to uplift the lives of women and children. Here I share post related to things I believe and support. Plus I am a Habitat for Humanity Online Champion among other advocacies I support
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