The Time Travelers Wife Review

It’s been awhile since I watched a romantic drama in the big screen and I feel kinda silly watching this movie alone because story wise it was a tear jerker or if not it will leave a lump on your throat. The Time Travelers Wife the movie is a romantic drama fantasy film that stars Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams. Ladies, especially fans of Eric Bana would enjoy this movie as he has so many butt exposures in this film.

the time travelers wife


A Chicago librarian suffers from a rare genetic disorder that sends him hurtling through time whenever he is under extreme duress; despite the fact that he vanishes at inordinately frequent and lengthy intervals, he attempts to build a stable future with the beautiful young heiress he loves. Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams star in this dramatic fantasy, which is directed by Robert Schwentke and based on the best-selling book by author Audrey Niffenegger.  The story plot revolves around the Time Traveler Eric Bana who can’t control when or when he is gonna travel in time.


Eric Bana                    …   Henry DeTamble
Rachel McAdams   …   Clare Abshire
Michelle Nolden      …  Annette DeTamble
Alex Ferris                …   Henry at Six
Arliss Howard          …   Richard DeTamble
Brooklynn Proulx  …   Clare at Six and Eight
Jane McLean             …   Charisse
Ron Livingston         …   Gomez

The movie runs for 1 hour and 40 minutes and is released by New Line Cinema.


Most of us wish we can go back in a particular place and time in our life so we can set things differently.  Romantic fools believe that we already love the someone we love now even before we met them, the destiny kind of thing.
This movie sets all this notion straight that no matter what we do we can never change the past.  Because it has passed and it happened. What we can do is move on and leave in the present and do whatever we can to live it one day at a time.

I haven’t read the book but I guess there are many elements of the book that they were not able to incorporate in the movie that will explain the complications I saw.  I don’t understand how there was two Henry travelling in time in the movie, maybe the book can explain this better.  So one should read the book to be able to understand this loophole in the film.   I wan’t to tell more but you should watch the movie yourself.  Bana and McAdams had a wonderful rapport in the movie.  The set was lovely. The effects? Uhmmm I barely notice the difference between the older Henry and the younger Henry.

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  1. yes, i really cried while watching this movie. Na carried away ako, although there are some things missing but the whole movie is quite fascinating.

  2. @ Pehpot exactly I didn’t read HP or this book either but there are questions in the storyline that you want answers. So it’s good to read the book after watching the movie.

  3. that’s what I hate when a book was turned into a movie, they would always try to outbid or be better than the book that in the end, it was not even good.. hay naku..

    so I guess when you will see a movie based on the book, it’s either you read the book and be prepared to be disappointed or don’t read the book and see the movie as a different thing. That’s what I did in HP.. di ko naman nabasa book e so I just focused on what’s good on HP as a movie but not as a book turned into a movie..
    .-= pehpot´s last blog ..Mommy Moments- Rain Rain Go Away =-.

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