I know right! SPF 100!
Beach Hut Lotion Sunblock and Beach Hut Face Sunblock
Who will ever be scared of the sun now! Not me! OMG! OMG! OMG! This so makes me super excited about summer the more! Yay!
Thanks Beach Hut Philippines for sending me this package, a Beach Hut Face Hypoallergenic Sunblock with SPF 65 , a Beach Hut Max 100 SPF, an outdoor snorkeling camera, and a frisbee! I can’t wait to try it all especially the SPF 100 sunblock (I’ll post my feedback right after I use it) and the outdoors/ underwater camera! What a perfect timing because I’m going to another sailing adventure and will have more time under the sun that I won’t need any of those artificial fat burners and more fun fun fun at the beach! Beach Hut Rocks!
How about you, are you afraid of the sun?
Stay gorgeous everyone!
I love the camera, kasama kaya yan kapag bumili ako sa store?
Very intriguing! I want to try that.
oh, just in time for summer! i wanna try this one! have fun in your adventure! 🙂