My Contagion Movie Review

If you are looking for a psychological thriller film, Contagion might be the one for you.  Contagion will hit your OCness (obsessive compulsive) and paranoia at the same time.

I also notice how they credit and discredit bloggers in this film stating how bloggers are now a great source of information and misinformation and how a blogger should be aware of what they post in their blogs.  Bloggers were called enterprising journalist here btw!

BLOGGERS should watch Contagion so they can learn about the important role they play unwittingly.

“Part of the story is the way in which information spreads along similar pathways to that of a virus: who gets it and how it moves forward, how it’s altered as it moves from one host to another or one organization to the next. And Krumwiede is the face of that idea,” says Soderbergh. “That was our focus throughout the movie, treating information like a baton that gets passed from one scene to the next. There are so many interesting tributaries. In this situation, it’s a lethal problem because misinformation can kill.”

I like how they made an effort at giving all sides of the stories and tried to explain everything as much as they can.  Hats off to that! 

Jude Law stars as the enterprising journalist/blogger in the movie.  Also seen in the movie were Gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Anna Jacoby-Heron in her feature film debut, Kate Winslet, and Marion Cotillard.

Opening across the Philippines on Friday, Sept. 9, 2011  in IMAX and regular theaters, “Contagion” is distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment company.

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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  1. When I saw the trailer sa movie house I thought uhmmm parang baduy ung movie and boring but reading your review I’ll give it a try.

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