Come and Play Nivea’s Kiss Mark Facebook App Game

Too bad, I wasn’t able to attend the Kiss the Cosmo Online Hunk event. It’s an opportunity to have a date with one of Cosmo Hunk Mark Alejandro (hehe). Anyway Kiss Mark Facebook Game is an online app to help you select the proper NIVEA Lip Care product on specific situations.


Three things to remember in playing Kiss Mark.
First, select the proper NIVEA lip care product. Selecting a proper lip care product on
a specific scene would give you maximum points.
Second, keep in mind that the goal of the game is to kiss/click Mark as many times as you can.
Lastly, remember that you can tilt the odds of the game by logging in your purchase to blast away the competition.

To play the game like Nivea Philippines on Facebook!

Here's something else you can read


  1. Mark is so hot! I have tried the application and I enjoyed it! 🙂

  2. he is so handsome. ng play ako, hanggang level 3 lang ako..

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