Choose Your Weapon: 7 Must Have Pink Gadgets For Your Protection

When I heard the news about Kristelle Davantes a.k.a. Kae a colleague I met because of blogging, (she works at McCann as an advertising executive) I got chills down my spine.   I always frequent the place where she was taken and honestly it was a bit creepy.

Creepy because even if it is one of the places in Metro Manila right now that never sleeps,it is still a developing place. There’s lots of construction going on and there are lot’s of strangers / construction workers who freely goes in and out of the place. It’s not that I have something against construction workers,most of them I’m sure are people who are trying to make a decent living to feed their own families.   But let us not discount the fact that there could  be “bad people” who got in the job because of ulterior motives.   And well in any line of work, if the “devil” prevails their minds, who knows what evil things they can do.

There are two things we can do to protect ourselves from potential danger:

  1. Pray
  2. Learn self-defense
  3. Buy self-defense gadgets for your protection.

I can tell you much about prayer but you can pray on your own terms and own faith.   As for self-defense you can enroll in kick-boxing, boxing or karate, etc. whichever is available.   But right now I’m gonna show you 7 must have pink gadgets for our protection.

Armed in Pink

  1. Immobilizer 900,000 volt Stun Gun
  2. 1,000,000 volt mini stun gun
  3. 3,000,000 volt mini stun gun
  4. Spraytech Mobile Phone Pepper Spray
  5. Self-Defense Stun Gun with Zapper and Spikes
  6. Mini Taser in Pink
  7. Cellphone Case Pepper Spray
  8. Yellow Jacket Stun Gun Battery Extender Case

Mini Stun Guns is sold at $59.95 -$89.95  here.   Amnesty International is against Taser guns but it is popularly sold in the US for women’s self defense  .  Hard-core self-defense tool like the one with zapper and spikes is restricted for now but I’m sure there’s a black market for that.   But I think the best and easiest we can buy are those mini pepper spray that can be placed on our cellphone holders and most are sold locally here  cheapest is sold at Php195.00 and the one posted here is sold for Php1,477.00  .

Now choose your weapon.

It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Stay gorgeous everyone!


Here's something else you can read


  1. It’s really scary these days. We really need to protect ourselves. Nice post to rep us aware.

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