Skyscanner Philippines 1st Bloggers Kapihan at MCafe

Philippine travel blogger and bloggers who are travel enthusiast were invited to the first Sky scanner Philippines Bloggers kapihan last week to share their travel experiences and to reveal the Philippine bloggers who are shortlisted on Skyscanner Bloscars. Bloscars is an awarding of the best travel bloggers worldwide as selected via criteria set by Sky scanner and votes from readers.

philippine travel bloggers nominated at skyscanner bloscars

Out of Tow Blog and Nomadic Experiences a among those who were shortlisted. Sorry about the other’s I can’t reremember but when I get enlist I will update you ball son we all can vote for our Pinoy candidates born the Bloscars.

Anyway, the reason why I did not remember all the names was we were all having an awesome fun time eating and sharing fun travel stories.

SkyScanner Philippines first bloggers kainan at MCafe

Great food and great company is equals an absolutely one great night.

SkyScanner Philippines first bloggers kapihan

This fun dinner is one of the main goal of Skyscanner , let people enjoy life’s pleas sure the best way possible.

Skyscanner is a global travel search site providing instant online comparisons for millions of flights plush hotels and car hire. The best thing about Skyscanner is that its default is always the lowest rate available.

how skyscanner works


Skyscanner is available in 40 countries and 30 different languages. You may download the app for free via Google Play and you will be surprised at how much you can save on your next travel date.

You may follow @skyscannerPh on Twitter or like SkyScanner Philippines on Facebook for updas and promos. Or visit for more info.

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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