#WIWTD 76: Suicide Squad

No, I don’t have suicidal tendencies or I am in anyway a part of a gangsta group ready to get killed for a mission. The title was just so apt for the cap that shouted my name at the New Era Cap Philippines launch recently.

I immediately zoomed in to it, picked it up, put it on and boom. It’s mine. There was like a dozen design out there but this one caught my eyes. Plus I am no NBA or FBA fan so none of the team logo caps jumped on me. This one did.

The Joker!

The Joker  New Era Cap
Plus I am. Into rusty color lately, this one was perfect. All ready for the showing of the Suicide Squad August 2016!

Suicide Squad
“I’m gonna hurt you really bad”
Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad review
What I wore:
Shoes: Payless Shoestore
Taken at New Era Cap store launch SM Megamall
I don’t normally wear hats but this was one of those wear a hat/Cap day event so I did and surprisingly I don’t look odd. Haha! In fact I blended in.

Squad goals achieved!
Hype this look pls!

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