If you have a kid, a pet or a business that you can’t give your full 24 hours to look out for, having someone or something to help you check on them from time to time can help ease your mind a bit.
An IP camera like the D706 360 Smart Camera that has clear images, hd vivid video recording, zoom in and out features,can pan around from left to right or up and down the entire room, and clear night vision, is a great investment.
All you need is the 360 Smart Camera App plug the device in , pair the devices together and you are good to go.
Here’s some images from the D706 360 Smart Camera that I took and even though they are fone shots of the image shots you can still see how clear it is.
Shot wth flourescent light on ( excuse my messy makeup corner)
Night vision shot (same area lights off)
The night vision adjust to the kind of light the surrounding needed making clear black and white images.
All function of the camera is controlled by the app that you can also invite other family member or other people to view what’s being recorded or captured from the D70 360 Smart Camera .
Here are other things you can do with the camera via the app:
- Have a timelapse delay brief for the day or week
- Have a 5 second video alert or a photo alert.
- Use the cloud memory to store recordings
- Talk to the people you are watching with the two-way conversation mode
- Motion and crying detection .it will send you a five second clip alert when someone cries.
D70 360 smart camera is one heck of a smart camera. Households with pets, kidsor business owners definitely need this. There’s one major downsideto it though . It always needs to be plugged in a power source. What would be really great is if it has power charging functions and power can last up to 24 hours or even more to be able to even when theirs power outage or somebody intentionally plug it off.
Get yours here http://shopee.ph/360smartcamph
Stay gorgeous everyone!