6 Things About Zack Snyder Justice League , my quick movie review (no spilers!)

zack snyder justice league
Hello World! I am back!
Here’s what I have to say about the Zack Snyder Justice League movie released by HBO !
1) It is way better than the 2017 Justice League movie.
Storytelling was way much better, a lot of questions answered and a lot of things made more sense.
2) This is really the kind of movie you will really re-watch. Because just like the jokes we say about movies we didn’t like the ending, we’d watch it again because maybe the ending will be better. THIS ENDING WAS WAY BETTER and I HONESTLY CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEXT!
3) I only remember I think 4 scenes from the original movie and there was one big part of the previous movie that was not in this new one that made the story different.
4) Overall, #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague is a MUST WATCH! 4 hours is worth it! I only didn’t like a couple of parts, the first was about Wonder Woman (let’s discuss this after you watch the movie). Second was about Cyborg (I never liked cyborg for some reason just a personal thing).
5) I was at the edge of my seat during Part 1 because they’re my favorite, and the Epilogue was very intriguing. A LOT OF NEVER BEFORE SEEN SCENES in this one!
6) You won’t see the Flash and Superman speed race here. But I still love Ezra Miller a.k.a. Flash in this movie, he is the Breath of Fresh Air. His smile lights up the room better than Wonder Woman in this movie! Hah! I can’t believe I said that but it’s true! Ezra / Flash was the comic relief!

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