Somewhere right now, a girl just uploaded a picture of a place she went to in the past with a caption that says ‘take me back.’ Here is where I want to be right now: What I wore: Dress: H&M Flipflops: IPANEMA Sackbag: HEDGREN Scarf: OLD NAVY Eyewear: SUNNIES Temporary Metallic Tattoo: NUMIMANA OOTD Taken […]
#WIWTD 42: My Not So Mini Mini Me
Obviously, that’s not me Earthlingorgeous but my not so mini mini me, my lovely daughter Tasha who is growing by the minute! In fact she is bigger than now. Her clothes are Large, mine are Small to Medium. Her shoe size is 5 – 6 mine usually is size 4 and lucky if I get […]
WIWTD #39: Black Unicorn
And when you spiral through the atmosphere All they see is motion They never see the tears, they never feel the pain They always think it’s nothing but it’s something, such a shame So caught up in the fantasy, humanity has made a love story out of tragedy But there is no romance in life […]