My Muslim Aunt’s Burial

This was the first time I attended a Muslim burial. It was my Auntie Lydia, elder sister of my father. She was a Librarian from my school in Grade school. I used to bother her lots in the library and gave her major headache because I had the habit of not returning the books on time. I also frequent the library during lunch breaks and I ate with her in the library. My cousins said I was like her carbon copy, meaning I resemble how she looks like a lot especially when she was in college.
It was a new experience for me, to attend a Muslim’s burial ceremony. She died yesterday, MAY 31, 2008 at 11am after being confined for more than two weeks in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) because of mild stroke and heart failure, she was very weak. As soon as she was proclaimed dead, my cousin Ate Dadang and nephew Chap took her to the Muslim Mosque in Brgy. Culiat, Quezon City. Some Muslim high priestest did her cleansing and preparation for her burial. While doing her bath they were doing some chant’s prayers. My Aunt is a ranking Muslim, she is a Hadji. So only a Muslim with her rank or higher is allowed to do her cleansing and burial.

After her bath, all relatives present; we were very small group then, only relatives who were able to come at a short notice were there, we were called in and one-by-one starting to the closest kin went to kiss her forehead and whisper some prayers and last words. We didn’t get to see her face anymore she was wrapped, we are only allowed to see her forehead. It was the first time I kissed my Auntie Lydia’s dead body, in fact it was the first time I kissed a dead body.

Then, she was taken inside the Mosque, and the Hadji and Imam went to pray for her. She was all wrapped in cloth, white cloth inside then batik outside. We travelled 2 hours to get to the Islamic Cemetery in Montalban Rizal. The view was amazing. It was on top of the mountains. It was like we were climbing to heaven. My Aunt Lydia was carried by four male relatives to her grave.
This was the pit, not so deep. Only the Hadji and Imam are allowed to bury her as they were doing some chant and prayers. No coffin and fancy anything. A very simple burial. They didn’t even wait for other relatives to get home, some are abroad alread, especially my cousins (her son and daugthers).
The shape of the pit was also relevant to their faith. All dead body should face Meccca. According to my nephew it is where the sun and moon rise. So their journey to Mecca is fast. Mecca is similar to heaven as we know it in the Christian faith.
After sealing her with dirt. One of the Hadji washed his feet even his pants, then went over to pour water on the grave and put some plant and then watered it. Then both of them went to pray their chant. It was a humbling experience for me to witness such a simple burial.

Nobody cried hard that day, especially my Aunt’s daughter and grandson who was there. They were already done crying and I was amazed by the acceptance for her death by my cousins and nephew. “We shouldn’t mourn, we should celebrate, because Mama Old (that’s what my nephew call her) is fullfilled.”

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  2. I just lost my dad and he is about to be buried at Montalban,Rizal in 45 minutes. 1:00AM June 24,2008 I am very much thankful to have found this page since I dont have any idea where Montalban,Rizal is. Thank you, it had answer some of my question.

  3. Earthlingorgeous, oh no i’m sorry to hear about the passing of your Aunt. I’ve never been to a funeral, well actually one that I can remember (my uncle passed when i was too young). I’m not sure what to say. Thank you for sharing this.

  4. Thank you Ambrosia,

    Yeah, they bury their dead within 24 hours no fancy stuff just their traditions and practice of faith.

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