There is no single method, treatment, product, remedial center, website, program or person that can be the perfect resource and for parents or caregiver to understand more and help an individual with autism. But knowing where to go can be very helpful to ease out the confusion everyone feels about it.
In February 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an autism prevalence report, which looked at a sample of 8 year olds in 2000 and 2002, It found out that the prevalence of autism had risen to 1 in every 150 American children, and almost 1 in 94 boys.
The issuance of this report caused a media uproar, but the news was not a surprise to ASA or to the 1.5 million Americans living with the effects of autism spectrum disorder. Nonetheless, the spotlight shown on autism as a result of the prevalence increase opens opportunities for the nation to consider how to serve these families facing a lifetime of supports for their children. Which is really great gone were the days when parents have to hide their children from public because they are afraid of the public perceptions that accommodates having differently-able child.
Autism Society Canada
Canada celebrates autism awareness month so this is a good time to get empowered for all Canadian resident attend a seminar near you. Here are the dates of seminars and places you can go to.
Autism Society of America
Parent Services Center Inc. will present “Understanding the Autism Spectrum,” a fall symposium led by a panel of local professionals, from 9 a.m. to noon on Oct. 25, in Room 401, Robert R. Muntz Library, The University of Texas at Tyler, 3900 University Blvd.
Registration before Oct. 16 is $10 and registration after that is $15. Proof of attendance will be provided and continuing education credit is available for professional counselors, social workers and marriage and family therapists. For more information or a registration brochure, call the Parent Services Center, 903-595-2235.
The National Autistic Society
I love this new campaign they have. It includes videos that have all explanations and even dramatization of certain situation involving an individual with autism and the common reaction and the right way to people react. They also hold seminars for interested folks.
Autism Society Philippines
You can contact them to request for a visit to your hometown or refer you to someone close to you.
I strongly recommend parents to consult a child physician or go to the Philippines Children Hospital at Quezon City to get a proper diagnosis (get a second or third opinion whenever necessary) there are lots of professional doctors who are experienced in the spectrum that can recommend you to the most suitable treatment for your child. I also recommend you attend a seminar by Center for Autism and Related Disorder (CARD), if you want a number just leave me a place where I can give you their number and address. It eased my confusion a bit. Remember you are not alone and this is not your fault. You can do something about it now. CARD will have another round of Phase 1 seminar on October 12 (Sunday) from 8am-4pm.
Dubai Autism Center
Autism Spectrum Australia
Empower yourself with the proper knowledge, help yourself, help an individual with autism.
hey miss gorgeous Congratulations to us for winning in the Nuffnang contest. 😀 aw.. sometimes I think I am half autistic :S
@ Dragonstar,
I agree I live in a fairly huge neighborhood I am not ashamed of my daughter and as much as possible take her outside home than hide her. We’ve learned there are more than just surrounding us there are more than 6 kids with this condition only they don’t let the children out as not to get the “look”. We are only afraid of what we don’t know.
Okay Gorgeous Earthling! You are on my blog roll under the roll entitled “Other Blogs I Use to Help Me Escape”. Thanks for joining!
It’s so important that everyone involved learns as much as possible about autism. We live in a street of 25 houses, and there are two families with autistic children here. Leaving out my own, that works out as one family in twelve. If that is an indication of the population as a whole, it adds up to a large number of families.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Always nice to meet other parents trying to raise autism awareness!