O is for Octopus… Sometimes I feel like I am an octopus, you know someone with eight legs/arms and squirts ink when frightened. What am I talking about you say? Well see, I feel like I have eight legs/arms having the need to do and go to so many places at a time. You know multi-task. And when I want to rant about what happened within the day I just sit down and journal all my thoughts and if something really irks me, there is a hundred percent chance that I will write a blog post about it, therefore I squirt ink. Hehehe! Having said that I bet you all now agree. Aren’t we moms like Octopus?
Anyways, since October will be out in a couple days, let’s play a game, the find the Odd One Out in these pictures…
(photo’s courtesy of google)
Now, before leaving you all guys answer these questions:
1) What vegetable often makes your eyes water or cry when you cut it?
2) This word means the same as to work at or run a machine.
3) If something is done one time it is done.
4) When something belongs to you, you are its ___.
5) Is is also referred to as the black gold, what is it?
Remember all answers starts with the letter O which is ABC Wednesday’s letter of the week!
Ahhh I was successful too. Fun post for the letter O. I think no matter the age we all multi-task too much…
Yikes it sure isn’t long till Christmas.
Yes I really found comfort in reading about the Octopus expecially today!! I felt Overstreched and Out of my mind at times! Thanks for the blog comments! 🙂
Fun post I enjoyed reading. And I must admit especially today I do feel like an octopus. Great post!