Fab Bonding Time – Mommy Moments

Me and my daughter enjoys almost the same things, music and time in front of the PC is one of them:

We do this everyday. Music time in front of PC she selects her tunes and we play it until she falls asleep.

She like playing music on my cellphone so I am teaching her how to look for her songs and now she is an expert cellphone user!

This was taken when she two years old, we were making faces while playing at Story Land.

She likes to ride roller-coasters or anything that goes up or fast. Left: On a long line waiting for our turn to ride the Orbitron at HongKong Disneyland. She was very patient and happy not minding the line! Right: Riding the MetroStar Express at Storyland she likes it so much!

On an escalator at Citygate Novotel Outlet Mall in HongKong going shopping!
Check out other moms bonding with their kids here:
mommy moments

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  1. You guys do look like sisters!
    Oh, and by the way, yes, I can totally see you with the pout face! Ha.

  2. hi, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. see you again on mommy moments. 🙂

  3. hi, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. see you again on mommy moments. 🙂

  4. Kids are fast learners, aren’t they? You just show them how and soon they become experts.
    I like the making-faces picture 🙂 I often do that with my son too, it’s a fun way to bond with our kid.
    Thanks for stopping by at mine. Happy weekend 🙂

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