Aquatic Therapy And Sensory Integration Seminars For AS

Taking care of a child with autism is no joke, you can’t just imagine the frustration, the confusion and emotions in between when you don’t know how to deal with you child. The best thing I did as a favor for myself and my daughter was attending seminars to help me understand her more and be gentle with myself for not being able to understand her.

The Autism Society of the Philippines (ASP) and the Center for Autism and Related Disorders hold seminar series that serves as a platform to educate Filipino parents and professionals on the various interventions, modalities and theories surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Their application and implementation are left at your discretion. The views and personal experiences of the speakers are of their own and don’t necessarily reflect that of the views of the organization.

This March 28 the ASP is holding the following seminars:


The benefits of water have long been known to treat people with various conditions. By using a carefully planned aquatic program, children with sensory processing issues and autism also benefit greatly from this type of therapy. Summer’s here. Get to know the basics of aquatic therapy, when to use it, how to go about it, and how the proper use of this technique. By Ms. Christina de Leon Hinlo, a Program Director of Therapy Works Inc., a pioneer in the appropriate practice of aquatic therapy for children and adults with special needs. A graduate of BS Occupational Therapy from UP College of Allied Medical Professions.
Learn the basics and principles of sensory integration plus the common problems and the reasons underlying it. Know also the environmental modification techniques (adapting the home or space) and the importance of play and self-care tasks in sensory processing/ integration for children with special needs. By Ms Lady M. Suarez an Occupational Therapist by profession. She serves as the OT Consultant of Therapy Works, Skill Builders and St. Luke’s Medical Center. She is a graduate of UP Manila College of Allied Medical Professions with Masteral units in Dysphagia (feeding).

Venue: Asian Social Institute, 1518 Leon Guinto cor. Escoda St., Malate Manila

SEMINAR FEE is inclusive of certificate, handouts and snacks

Pre-Registration Fee (until March 25, 2009)
Single Seminar
Member- P 400.00 Non-member- P 500.00
Double Seminar
Member- P 700.00 Non-member- P 900.00

On-site Registration Fee
Single Seminar
Member- P 500.00 Non-member- 600.00
Double Seminar
Member- P 900.00 Non-member-1,100.00

Pre-registered participants may pay to Autism Society Philippines, Banco de Oro, Savings Account # 3980002955. Please fax the deposit slip with the name/s of participant/s to ASP office and bring it on the day of the seminar. On-site registrants will be accepted depending on the availability of slots. There will only be 80 slots available. No refund will be given to participants who did not show up on the date of the seminar.
For more details, please call ASP at 9266941/9298447

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  1. @ Peejay Jacinto, there is one offered at Philippine Childrens Hospital In Quezon City, there are centers in Cubao area too. But you can also contact the number on this post to get the number of more centers offering aquatherapy they are very helpful there at the Autism Society of the Philippines, good luck and God Bless!

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