TV And Movie Inspired Costumes

My daughter is invited to another birthday party on Sunday and it’s another costume party. It was a short noticed invitation so I think my daughter will come as a queen, one of her costumes from 2 years ago that her Aunt Olay gave for her birthday.

I think the most popular costume for girls are Disney princesses, Fairies or queens and for boys super heroes like Batman, Superman and Spiderman. I saw a lot of them from the recent Mommy Moments theme kids in costume.

Well I found this online costume store and they sell a wide selection of costumes from classical, superheroes and even adult costumes. My ultimate favorite in there is from their TV and Movie selection especially the Star Wars collection! There is one to fit a child and an adult.

I have this fantasy of me and my daughter going to a costume party wearing the same character. Like she be little girl Princess Leia ($36.99) and I be the Adult Princess Leia ($49.99, boots sold separately for $32.99). The wigs come with the costumes by the way!


But I wish I have the guts to wear this sexy Princess Leia costume! In my dreams maybe!
Princess Leia Sexy

Of course my hunny and his little boy can be Obiwan Kenobis or Jedi Masters.
PhotobucketJedi Robe

Or we can all be Chewbacca ($89.99) or Darth Vader ($79.99).
Darth VaderChewbacka

These costumes are also perfect for cosplay or themed parties. Which reminds me, I saw a StarWars inspired themed wedding earlier! Yeah the brides gown was Princess Leia inspired and the groom has a Jedi Knight inspired tux. Pretty cool but I think it’s too much, they were surrounded by Clone Troopers ($64.99) that I think up staged them. But well they said they were very happy with the turn out and it was like a dream come true. If they were happy I guess I should be happy for them too right?

Anyway, there are more costumes at that you can find like Harry Potter themed costumes, Hanna Montana, and the Pirates costumes. I think all the costumes are great.

They offer same day shipping for U.S. costumers while shipping varies from international client. Order is safe and secured and they also have money back guarantee if you are not happy with what you purchased.

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