Let’s Talk About Sex

There is just two reaction I expect here, a browser will immediately leave the page without reading further or the browser will curiously read whatever I have to say about sex.

When talking about sex how do you react?  Do you open up immediately or shy away from the topic?

Personally, my response is different depending on who am I discussing it with.  If it’s my close girl friends I can talk whatever I want or ask whatever I want to ask but when it comes to colleagues or not so close friends, I kinda shy away.  First it’s because I don’t want to be tagged as vulgar or promiscuous second because I am as just as misinformed as 50% of the Filipina about this thing when I was a decade younger.

Anyway, I wrote about this because of the recent report in the Philippine Daily Inquirer about Pinays not knowing their body it was a study made by Kimberly-Clark.   It illustrates how younger women, despite of their status and education are very much misinformed when it comes to sex and their sexuality.

The Kotex BodyLife IQ Study, which covered 1,800 women aged 12-24 from six Asian countries, discovered that there was an “information gap” among young Asian women when it came to knowing their body, how it works, and how to take care of it from puberty to womanhood.

“Of all the nationalities surveyed, Filipinas were the most misinformed, with the biggest body-knowledge gap,” according to the Kimberly-Clark paper detailing the results of the survey.

Honestly I was one of those misinformed when I was 2 decades younger I used to believe that kissing will make you pregnant and drinking coca-cola will increase my menstrual flow, not beer.

Other myths I heard about when I was younger were:

  • that on your first period take  three steps on their stairs so that your menstrual flow would last only three days instead of one week.
  • you should also wash your face with your first menstrual blood so that you get a soft smooth skin without blemishes and acne.  I never followed this myth though, washing my face with blood sounds too yucky to me.
  • that a girl loses her virginity by riding a bike.

Question: Being a mom and/or a wife now what were the myths about your sexuality did you had that now you find hilarious? Care to share?

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1 Comment

  1. The names we call the Vagina— dapat daw kasi di tinatawag na vagina kasi masagwa.. I think it is way too funny how we call it in so many laguages and context. Kasi one time yung yaya ng anak ko sinabihan si Lili na hugasan na daw nila yung flower niya, eh sabi nung anak ko, “this is not a flower, this is a vagina”… natawa ako sa reaction nung yaya.. kasi sabi niya, “shh.. flower yan”…

    Ginawa ko rin yang first period ritual at umiinum ng coke, hahaha…
    .-= Mommy Dharlz´s last blog ..SKATEBOARDING COMPETITION 2009 =-.

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