A Blogaholic Writes As She Dreams

Last night I was so sleepy, so sleepy that I had my eyes closed while I write in my blog.  Seriously!  The post before this had so many obvious errors. Reading it now they are purely nonsense so I have to rewrite.

I remember I was so eager to finish the article last night before I went to bed because I was trying to beat a deadline.   I remember there were moments I had my eyes closed but I was sure I was writing about an article related to gardening but then again I had to backspace because useless words were revealing itself on my screen.  If sleepwalkers walk while asleep a blogaholic types while asleep.

Has this happened to you?

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  1. Hi…I came across your blog and enjoyed reading this post. The same thing happened to me too when I started writing for my parenting blog (www.parents-children.blogspot.com), but not anymore. I have some other blogs now but only write occasionally. Best wishes to you.

  2. @ Jade ahahaha the brain is in dreamland it seems ahaha.
    @ Frances well I didn’t type asdf’s but some words I was saying or seeing in my dreams very weird lolz

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