The Man With A Green Thumb

When I was a child, my father used to have a vegetable garden at the vacant lot beside or home. He grows a number of vegetable in this garden. He had eggplants (the round and elongated type), tomatoes, okra, patola, upo, ampalaya, papaya, cabbage and lettuce, sili and malunggay. He even have fruit trees like mango, santol, avocado, langka and sampaloc.

That vacant lot was that huge and yet he was able to convert it into his little big green vegetable farm. Thanks to his green thumb.

Because of his wonderful green thumb, my father was able to convert part of our frontyard and backyard as his vegetable garden and again was able to grow the same vegetables but with lesser quantities though.

I believe my dad can turn any space to a wonderful and fruitful garden. I think my father was a very patient man to be able to do this successfully. You see growing your own vegetable can be very tedious and takes a lot of patience. So I suggest if you can’t get a vegetable “farmer” like my dad then you can consider getting a Ooze Tube Vegetable Drip Watering so you don’t have to worry if you over or under watered your crops.

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