I got an exclusive advanced screening invites to Coco Before Chanel but sadly the person who sent the invite didn’t know I was not from U.S. too bad that would have been one of the best movie event to attend, imagine meet fashion icons! Anyway the movie premiered in New York this week, September 18, 2009, but I don’t know when it will be shown here in the Philippines, This movie is definitely something to watch out for because this movie unleashed the true person behind the first female fashion mogul Coco Chanel.
I’ve seen the preview and since it’s a biopic expect fashion flashback when people still wear flamboyant hats, corsettes and long pouf dresses. Coco was different that time she was a bit tomboyish so she was a fashion rebel during her time. Audrey Tautou portrays Coco, the woman who will do what it takes to get what she wants.
I think some friends from the washington chat who are very fashionable, friendly, and artistic would love to watch this movie with me as the story plot is very intriguing and something we can have a nice discussion about it.