I’ve been doing a lot of research in terms of the luckiest and fashionable color of 2010 and here is what I found out. Turquiose and Mustard rocks this year or any tint of blue and yellow in it.
Fashion wise Turquoise is poised to rule every fashionable aspect of 2010. This is based on a research done by Pantone company, a company who tracks the color for fashion and home decor industry. This color will be used and be very prominent in clothing, jewelry, home decor and everything in between.
Turquoise is a color inspired by the Sea
According To Chinese Horoscope since 2010 is the year of the Metal Tiger (White Tiger) Blue and Light Yellow is the luckiest color. Blue because it symbolizes water and yellow because it signifies peace, it is also an upbeat and happy color which everyone needs now with all the distress the world is facing with all the natural disasters and the worldwide economic recession.
Yellow or Mustard is a color inspired by the Sun.
Water is very much needed to balance off the the metal element of this 2010 Tiger Year. However, there are also lucky colors meant for each sign.
2010 Lucky Color According To Your Sign:
Black, White, Purple
Green, Yellow, Black
Green, Blue, Yellow
Grey and White
Black and Gold
Brown Gold and Green
Orange, White and Yellow
Green and Blue
White, Violet, and Green
Orange, and Green
Silver and Red
Purple, Red, and White
So what are you waiting for? Fashionista! It’s time to freshen up your closets in 2010 with the luckiest and fashionable colors of 2010.
1 Comment
I am from year of the dog.. red and silver? not my type LOL
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