Hermes sends out a loud message to everyone out there, they don’t tolerate imitations and fake, so beware. It may look cute and eco-friendly for most of us who can’t afford an original Birkin bag but Hermes doesn’t think so.
Thursday Friday, a novelty accessories store, is being sued by Hermes for copying their Birkin bag design, although its not a replica of the handbags itself but just a picture of the Birkin bag itself.
Last Christmas, Thursday Friday has been screen printing the image on their Together bags, eco-friendly shopping tote bags and sold at $35 each. Hermes thinks its not cute and not to be tolerated as they believe Thursday Friday is “riding on their reputation” and “confusing, misleading, and deceiving the public.”
The Together bags are printed in all five angles, front, back, left, right and bottom!
So, before you think of getting yourself one or any kind of replica or fake handbags, think of Hermes lead, think of integrity!
I know most can’t afford an original, but its better not to pretend you can afford an original by buying a replica/fake one because its tolerating thievery.
How about you do you buy replica handbags? I don’t.
Stay gorgeous everyone!
i tot it was georgous and creative . Hermes shld feel complimneted that someone is doin this…highest flattery man!
Wooohhaaaa! What were they thinking? Yes, it is an eco bag, but looks like they are mocking the quality and reputation of Hermes. Good luck to them!