Celebrate: 100th Year Of International Women’s Day

On March 8, 2011 the world will be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day .  On this day women worldwide will “Celebrate, Commit, and Connect.”

International Women's Day

Women worldwide will celebrate like never before ~ connect as only women do ~ and commit (in our hearts) to improve in 3 areas of our lives:

1. Personal ~ improve our personal health and well-being, and our businesses as employees, business owners, entrepreneurs.
2. Family ~ help our families be healthier and prepare for the future now.
3. Country ~ let our voices be heard and help make positive changes in our communities and nations.

Like women in 176 countries, on March 8, 2011 we’ll gather together as women helping women.

Please join the women worldwide by signing up here to be counted.  Then you can Tweet about anything about being a women with a hashtag of #100therday (100the her day)

WOMEN, THIS IS OUR TIME. This is our time to…

1. BELIEVE in our gifts and talents, using them to create a better world.
2. RELINQUISH negativity and build personal power.
3. RADIATE joy and confidence, choosing to be a powerful force for good.
4. STAND as receivers, keepers, and givers of love and compassion.
5. HOLD FAST to truth and moral values, and teach children to stand strong.
6. SEIZE opportunities for growth and leadership while living with passion and purpose.
7. CONNECT with other women to advance worthy causes.
8. SEEK opportunities for meaningful service, touching hearts and changing lives.
9. REACH OUT to enlighten the minds and empower the hearts of women everywhere.
10. DREAM big dreams and make those dreams our destiny.

By Paula Fellingham and Annette Stanwick


I’ll be expecting to see your name in the network and your tweets #100therday (100th her day) OK?  Add me up at @earthlngorgeous.

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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