RISQ Grand Summer Fashion Show Cancelled

Due to unforeseen events, uhmmm actually due to an inconsiderate member of the producers of the show, the RISQ Grand Summer Fashion Show set for tomorrow (uhmmm, that’s technically today as of this writing) March 4, 2011 7PM @ the World Trade Center is cancelled.

One of the events organizer of the event emailed me telling me about the show cancellation around 6PM telling me about this unfortunate event.

This is so unprofessional, cancelling a show hours before the actual date not even telling its patron that the show was cancelled. Not even putting an advisory in their Facebook Page about the show cancellation.

I feel bad for the students who worked day and night to create an 11 piece ensemble. They invested their time, money and talent for this just to be wasted and disregarded like that.

Ms. K.S. where is your heart?

UPDATE: I got the official statement of the event organizer for the show Ideal Events, its not their fault , the one who is at fault is the show producer itself.

The show producer is no other than  Indios Bravos Multimedia, run and owned by Kristine Soguilon.  Kristine Soguilon who said she got the money to pay for everything but instead issued bouncing checks can not be found to make any comment about the mess she made.

Where are you Kristine? Tsk tsk tsk!

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  1. I don’t get it why are you guys so angry. please enlighten me. Because for what I know, investors withdraw. it means no money. If they continued without adequate fund, would that be a much bigger problem? OK it is last minute. Its a bummer. But shit happens and no one likes that to happen.

    I know I can be bias because KS is a friend. But I would be open for explanation because this post is a little cloudy. And yes calling KS names is quite low.

  2. ang sad no that Kristine is so kapal and so heartless she should pay.

  3. What’s wrong with KS? Kristine Soguilon right? Who else will trust her after this? So unprofessional of her!

    I pity those people she hired esp. the designers of the show. This is a very bad experience that could make or break their future career. Tsk tsk tsk!

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