The Philips Urban Adventure Is On

I want to join the Philips Urban Adventure but I know most of my friends are not into physical challenges, so for that I’m looking for a partner who aside from being smart, fun, and loves to take on challenges (physical and mental).  So, if you are any of the above please holler me your interest and I will choose my partner among ASAP!

Anyway, those who are interested to join this is what the Philips Urban Adventure is all about.

Its a one-day race around Metro Manila where 12 two-person teams will take on various physical and mental challenges.  The prize is Php100,000 cash and prizes!

The competition is set on August 27, 2011, this activity is just one of the many Philip’s got in line for their 55th year anniversary celebration here in the Philippines.

Mr. Rico Gonzalez, CEO of Philips Electronics and Lighting, Inc together with Rovilzon Fernandez who hosted the launch the other day that this is a race thrill-seekers should not miss!

To join aspiring contestants need to do the following: (please view image below for the mechanics)

Application period will run from August 2 to 15, 2011 where Philips will choose 24 shortlisted teams to be previewed on their Facebook page (Philips Urban Adventure) where people have the choice to vote for their favorite teams from August 17 to 22.  From then the 12 finalist will be announced by August 23, 2011.  The said teams will compete on August 27, 2011!


So, if you are up for the challenge, join now and hope to see you during the race!

Stay gorgeous everyone!



Here's something else you can read


  1. oh, this is exciting!!!! inggit ako sa mga athletic kasi ako lampa e, hihihi…good luck Miss Earth! 🙂

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