Del Monte Fit ‘N Right ‘The Science of Sexy’ Challenge

I’m excited about this!

I attended the launch of the new and upgraded Del Monte Fit ‘N Right fruit juices which now has GCE (Green Coffee Extract) aside from L-Carnitine earlier and lo and behold I got myself in another fitness challenge, the Fit ‘n Right Science of Sexy Challenge.

What’s great about this challenge is that its not a weight loss challenge but to a challenge to lessen body fats. How am I (and the rest of the challengers) gonna do this? Simple, we just need to apply the Science of Sexy!

What’s the Science of Sexy?

Fat is equals to the calories consumed minus the calories burned (Fat = Calories Consumed – Calories Burned)

Meaning, fat accumulation is determined by the calorie content of the food you eat vs. the calories you burn through physical activity and exercise. So, to loose weight and reduce fat mass, we need to increase physical activity by burning more fat and or eating few calories.

The recommend rate of weight loss is atleast 1-2 pounds per week. This entails us to do any physical activity such as jogging, aerobics, dancing or playing tag with the kids, taking the stairs instead of elevator and lessening our daily rice intake by 1 cup a day (1/2 rice lunch and 1/2 at dinner!

But then again weight is not the measure of fitness because muscle weighs heavier than fat!

Another option we can do is to take advantage of the numerous healthy ingredients like L-Carnitine that converts fatty acids into energy. And the recent GCE discovery , Green Coffee Extract, which can not be found in the coffee we drink everyday. It helps reduce our caloric intake by partially blocking our body’s absorption of sugar.

Both ingredients can now be found at the New and Improved Del Monte Fit ‘N Right. It harnesses the science of sexy and captured it in a bottle to amplify weight loss/ fat loss efforts. This will make it easier for all of the challengers to get rid of our fat mass including me.

So, in 30 days, starting tomorrow, (Wednesday) I am challenging myself to lower my fat mass to at least 15 percent!


Why am I doing this?

Well, the top challenger to loose a lot of fat mass will get to win a 3days/2nights stay at Discovery Shores Boracay with round trip airfare and transfers and an outfit by Rajo Laurel! Three runners-up will win an outfit by Rajo as well.

Event photos



Fit ‘N Right vouch that drinking one bottle everyday will help loose fat. This shows the result of their 3rd party study.

Food prepared by The Sexy Chef

Clothes by Rajo Laurel

They will give us a month supply of del Monte Fit ‘N Right and a membership to Golds Gym so we can have a fit and healthy lifestyle and be successful with the challenge

These pictures also tell you how fat I am! Gosh these girls are skinny and they are taking the challenge too! Woot!

Kristel of Krisified, Rajo Laurel, Sexy Chef Barni Alejandro, Fit ‘N Right Brand Manager,  Fitness Expert Raul Banzon, Me and Ana of Fashionista Commuter

Me, Krissy, Ana and Criselda.

Nothing to loose but all to gain! Wish me luck gorgeous peeps!

Here's something else you can read


  1. woww. good luck! tried it too with another gym… and it’s nice that i lost a lot of fat then gained more lean muscle. the prob is i wasn’t able to continue it. sayang…

  2. sayang, gusto ko pa naman sumali. 🙁 Anyway, Ms. E., I know you can finish the challenge in no time. 🙂

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