5 Things To Love About The Revlon Age Defying With DNA Advantage Powder – A Review

When I was 20 years younger, I cared less about anti-aging products, moisturizers, sunblock and I hardly use makeup.  I was a very proud teenager who would proudly flaunt that natural is always the best.  My skin is perfect the way it is and I don’t need to put on tons of products just to make me look good and glowing.   In fact, I hated those girls my age who wear makeup back then.  I think they are so “maarte”.    But that was back then, my skin was supple and soft as it was at it’s best  when I was a teenager.  But now that I am older, I realized how badly I need skin care products to keep my skin soft, supple and elastic as it was back then.   Age definitely will get the best of us but if we take good care of it, our age won’t show!    Now, I love age defying products!  They make me look 10 years younger than my real age.   Just like the Revlon Age Defying with DNA Advantage Powder is something I would keep in my makeup essentials,  even if it’s just  drugstore brand.

Revlon Ae Defying with DNA Advantage Powder
Product Info

The Revlon Age Defying with DNA ADvantage Power is an ultra fine powder that helps skin feel conditioned and look luminous.   Using it helps minimize the appearance of discoloration due to the signs of aging.   It has SPF 20 to protect skin from sun damage Vitamin B3, Vitamin E, and West Indian Cherry Extract, plus highly effective humectants: helps retain water balance in dry skin, leaving you with skin that looks and feels younger and softer.

Revlon Ae Defying with DNA Advantage Powder
On My Face


5 things I love about the Revlon Age Defying with DNA Advantage Powder

  1. I love the skin-like finish.  It finishes of ass matte but with a glow effect.  My skin looks softer and smoother!
  2. It doesn’t look cake-y, chalky or too shimmery and the powder does not settle on into fine lines, wrinkles and pores.
  3. It doesn’t dry the skin like other powder.
  4. I didn’t have to worry about getting shimmery or oily this one tames down oiliness.  I didn’t have to do a lot of retouch during the duration I was wearing it.
  5. It glides smoothly onto skin and is very lightweight.


Other tips to get the best of this product and make it work for you:

  1. Use on top of the other Revlon Age Defying Product such as the foundation and the concealer to get that super flawless look.   But you can also use this on top of other foundation and concealer as well.
  2. The shade you have on any liquid foundation makeup from Revlon will be the same with the powder.
  3. Instead of using the tiny brush provided in the packaging, use a much fluffier powder brush or kabuki brush and apply in a circular motion.  This will make the application much better

Do I recommend it?
I do. For a drugstore brand worth a little over Php500.00 I say go for it. I love the effect on me especially because I got the perfect shade that matches my skin tone. It looks very natural and I don’t need to retouch my powder a lot so I won’t look shinny in photos.

How to get the perfect foundation / powder shade?
Use the with and without a flash foundation / powder test!
To get your perfect foundation and powder shade use the flash and without the flash test.   If you put on the foundation/powder and take a picture with a flash and you see that it looks lighter or darker than your normal skin tone then it is not your perfect shade.   All foundation and powder will look like a perfect match on a without flash photo.   A perfect foundation and powder that matches your skin tone will “disappear” on a with a flash photo (disappear meaning it will not look too light or too dark on you).

with and without flash foundation/powder test
Clockwise:  Photo above shows a mismatched foundation shade because it looks very light on the photo taken without a flash.  It look okay without the flash though.  3rd photo left side bottom shows a perfect match foundation/powder as shade matches my face and neck – color disappeared on the with a flash shot.  Same goes with the without a flash shot.
How about you, are you still having a hard time finding the perfect powder or foundation shade for you? Then try this with or without flash test!

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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  1. I’ve learned something new – the with and without flash test. 🙂 I think this Revlon powder is perfect for my skin tone.

  2. Jane, I started using liquid foundation when I turned 30, I think because powder doesn’t give that nice effect anymore coz the old age shows haha! Liquid foundation smoothens the lines out and hides dry skin somehow 🙂

  3. This is a veyr helpful review for me. since i’m trying to convince myself to use foundation.hehe I love revlon ever since and trying to stick with this brand for years now. I have using revlon and only revlon hehe xx

  4. Thanks for the tip on the flash foundation test. I just can never seem to get the right shade for my skin. I also should definitely start thinking about anti-aging products.

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