Jaden Smith ‘After Earth’ Initiative To Plant 10 Million Trees In 5 Years

As his blockbuster movie After Earth opens today, 14-year-old Jaden Smith is asking people to take the movie’s environmental message to heart and take action by supporting Earth Day Network’s Canopy Project!

Jaden wants you to join him to help plant 10 million trees over the next five years in the places that need them most. Check it out:


After Earth is a summer movie with aliens and new planets and spaceships, but at its core is a reminder of our responsibility to be stewards for this planet we were gifted. It’s a platform to inspire change – and it inspired the filmmakers and Jaden to put that attention to good use by partnering with Earth Day Network to help reach this important goal.

If enough people follow this powerful example and chip in, we can restore the canopy in many high-poverty areas around the world over the next 5 years.  Join us, as Jaden Smith has, to make this goal a reality. – The Earth Day Network Team


Please join this initiative!

Stay gorgeous everyone!


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