Winner Announcement: The Jergens Giveaway

Before announcing the story let me say thank you to everyone who took time in sharing their inspiring love story.   I have not met my Jorgen yet or maybe I have but I let him go or something like that and maybe like Kristine our paths will come across again and our Jorgendipity will happen.   Who knows.

I pick Lovely Joy Merced as the winner of the Jergens Giveaway because her story is something this generation might not be able to relate too because somehow the internet/chat world is now tainted  with too many bad elements and that finding true love online may not be  a reality for some but it happened to her.   I also choose her to win because like her I met friends online the same year she met her husband and most of the people who became a couple in those time are married now or getting married now and have a family of their own. In fact I will be attending a wedding of my online friends this July,I am so happy for them and excited to see them soon!

Congratulations Lovely Joy Merced, please leave your shipping details and contact info on the comment form below (I won’t publish it) so I can give it to Jergens so they can send your prize.

Thanks again everyone until the next giveaway!

Stay gorgeous!

Here's something else you can read


  1. Thank you for choosing my love story! <3 It's nice to know someone likes how my love life started.
    Thanks again!

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