No To Zombies: Catholic Church Leaders Says Wear Jesus and Mary for Halloween Trick or Treat in the Philippines

I think we need to knock some senses out of our Catholic Church leaders as they wanted to ban scary Halloween Costumes for Halloween Trick or Treating in the Philippines, a celebrating that is now starting to become a mainstream in the country and much more popular than the old-days traditional Filipino All Souls Day/Halloween custom “Pangangaluluwa”.

Our Catholic leaders want kids to wear Jesus and Mary costumes when they do the trick or treat which is stupid in my book. Why? Jesus and Mary are supposedly images of respect and Holiness, if kids starts to wear Jesus and Mary to trick or treat is it not a form of disrespect to the Mother Mary and Jesus Christ the Savior?

Plus, we have Christmas to have kids wear this in Church to recreate Jesus birth and we have Holy Week for everyone to play the role of Jesus at Senaculo?

I think wearing scary costumes and allowing our kids to wear such makes them more open minded and not be afraid of such things because Zombies/ living dead as gory as the costumes we see does not exist in real life, it’s just make believe, ghost, white ladies, vampires and other mythical and scary creatures are nothing but a part of our imagination and that kids should not be afraid of them.

Plus, Halloween is the only day everyone gets to become somebody very opposite to who they are or someone they wanna be if not themselves. It is a time to be creative, fun, and out-of-the-box. It is time to enjoy yourself and become crazy, scary, sexy, nerdy or whoever you want to be.

I think our Catholic leaders should dwell on more pressing issues rather than pop culture issues. They should think of ways to bring back the faith of those who have lost it. Find a way to help elevate poverty. And stop holing mass more than 2 hours (in our area at least mass takes 2 hours of bantering/ranting but no action!).

Now please don’t scold me over the pink hair I wanna wear and wore for Trick or Treating or that bloody scary face I want to wear at a Halloween party I plan to attend. It is not what we wear, it is how we feel, we think and believe.

Instead of creating noise with intervening with the popular topics why not make waves in a larger scale my dear catholic leaders. Just my two cents again.

How about you what do you think scary costumes or Jesus and Mary for Halloween?

Trick or treat!

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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  1. Personally, I’m against wearing Jesus and Mary costumes for Halloween. It just doesn’t feel right to wear these costumes on a supposedly scary event. Just my two cents.

  2. LOL they are too much! There are more important things in the world, especially in our country than Halloween costumes. Let people enjoy themselves.

  3. Different strokes for different folks… I think the Church should not impose wearing Christ and Mary costumes. They may only suggest and it is up to individuals if they want to follow or not.

  4. hay. lahat na lang pinapakielaman nila. they should focus their attention on more important matters & not something as trivial as this.

  5. They really have got so much time in their hands for saying these kind of stuff.. Im a catholic myself but MOST of the time I find myself questioning some of our catholic leader’s point of view and perspective..


    There was this one church, I dont want to name names and name churches, pero there was this one church, everytime there is a calamity they ask for donations through a 2nd round of money collection before ending the mass. I get that and I do understand but what I don’t understand is bakit kailangan pa sabihin ng Pari na

    “ang mga magdodonate pupunta sa langit.. ang mga ayaw magdonate ng kaunting barya ay alam nyo na kung saan pupunta”

    The 2nd round of money collection is fair enough but that comment from the priest while the collection is ongoing is really UNCALLED for..

    Bakit kailangan pa ng threat? bakit kailangan pa ng ganung comment. Kaya nga donation eh walang sapilitan. It really just makes me roll my head everytime I hear that kind of thing everytime a calamity strikes and that particular church collects donation.

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