The Mega 22nd Year Anniversary Party at 71 Gramercy

Last Tuesday, February 18,2014 Mega Magazine Celebrated their 22nd Anniversary with a Mega Global Domination party at 71Gramercy.

Mega Magazine 22nd Anniversary Party at 71Gramercy

The party was super packed with celebrities, designers and everyone in the fashion industry you would want to know.
Making Mega with Tyra  party

The Mega 22nd Anniversary party was so packed that there’s hardly a space to move. I went to the party saw a lot of friends from the fashion industry but I only had a couple pics and only stayed after the fashion show showcasing the works of Avel Bacudio.

Earth Rullan at Mega Magazine 22nd Anniversary Party

Guest got home with a goodie bag from Mega with the Mega Magazine 22nd Anniversary issue featuring Tyra Banks ergo the #MakingMegaWithTyra, a Treseme Conditioner and some yummy chocolates from Villa del Conti!

Mega Global Domination Party

Tyra was rocking the shoot with Mega anD I love her wearing this Cary Santiago floor length dress. Ghe Tyraism also wore Francis Libiran and Rajo Laurel in the magazine.

tyra banks on mega magazine

Thanks Mega for having me at the party until next soiree which is really really soon!

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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