Lee Shen Gee a.k.a. Shen a.k.a. Shen’s addiction is one of the first beauty blogger I met years back. She is really passionate about makeup and skin care and with blogging as well. Now, she is embarking on her new journey as a mommy in a few weeks time. With her mom no longer with her anymore, she gets strength from her friends and relatives to get through this pregnancy. All the tips abouy pregnancy she gets from her readings and tips from friends.
ARC PR one of the PR friends of Shen was able to get SM Babies to sponsor her baby shower and I was one of the invited.
I am glad to see the glow in Shen’s eyes with all the support of the mommy, fashion and beauty blogger friends who attended her baby Camilla Claudette shower.
Camilla Claudette will have a lot of gorgeous stuff to use when she is finally out! All the items you see in here are from SM Babies! I made an instavid here: http://instagram.com/p/lZanrLgBjx/
I wish Shen to have an easy birthing and her transition to mommyhood be a breeze.