Turn On Post Notifications … NOT!

I have been bombarded by hundreds of “Turn on Post Notifications” the other day, I was very much annoyed and getting stressed about it so I left Instagram for a bit.

Today, I want to tell everyone to please stop with hyping a chaos when there’s actually none! If your Instagram follower really loves what you post about he/she will make time to visit your feed no matter what happens.

Before you go asking people to Turn On Post Notifications, ask yourself, are you gonna do the same? If no, move on, there’s more to life than stressing about your Instagram feed.

Do you like to be bombarded everyday with thousands of post notif? Seriously? I don’t think so.

Do what you love, love what you do. Let no algorithm dictate you!

Keep on sharing your beautiful photos. Keep on showing the world as you see it with your camera lenses. Let your hobby not end just because Instagram has decided to change how your feed will be shown. If you follow a certain Instagrammer and he/she has not been showing on your feed lately, then go to her/his feed, interract with them there. It’s not the end of the world. You can always find a way of you want to continue seeing their posts.

Plus, you can always not update your Instagram when it ask you to update right?

Don’t stress, you’ll get wrinkles.


Stay gorgeous everyone!

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