Before I left for the states, I was sent an Asus Zenfone 3 Max for review. I was not able to do an unboxing even in my hotels in U.S. because my schedule was packed. Events and mall touring in the daytime and sightseeing with friends in the nighttime. I usually go back to my hotel around 2am and then sleep for a few hours then move again. I am not complaining though. Not everyone gets this chance of a lifetime.
Anyway, I was not able to use the Zenfone 3 Max in L.A. California but I made full use of it when I was in Oregon. It was such a perfect companion for that leg of my #EarthintheUSAadventure as I was able to take gorgeous photos with it. My most favorite feature of the Asus Zenfone 3 Max was the lowlight setting as it was able to capture breathtaking view as I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Despite of the almost no light available because it was dusk when I took the shot.
Here’s what I’m talking about, a photo I took of the Multnoma Falls, at the Historic Columbia River Hway in Oregon. I myself was in awe when I saw the shot I took. No edit or filter as uploaded on my Flickr you can see the exif file and details:

Timelapse at The Americana at Brand in Glendale California

As I was saying, if you are not that fond of big cameras, you can always choose a good phone with awesome camera features. After all that’s the direction most smartphones are taking and Asus Zenfone 3 Max is one of those not so expensive brand that you can definitely rely on.
I will let some of my favorite photos I took with it do the talking:

Stay gorgeous everyone!