BIC Kids Coloring Products

Bic kids coloring products

It’s school time again, have you bought your kids, nephews or siblings school supply yet? I hope not coz this is something you may want to include in your school supplies shopping list.

I used to think BIC was just pens and pencils. It was a surprise for me to find out that they also make kid friendly and innovativr coloring products.  They have 8 kinds of them some are coloring pen,  felt tip pen and the whole wax crayon thing with colors that are buldable and some are even erasable. What’s great is that some of them are washable too.

You may watch the video below to see each kind of BIC Kids coloring product.  They are available at your favorite school supplies store,  esp at National Bookstore:

Personally, I thonk these crayons are not just for kids but for coloring enthusiasts adults and alike.

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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