Philips Avent Collaborates with Rajo Laurel to Make Breastfeeding Moms #ComfortableAnywhere

I have no plans of having any baby in the future anymore.  But I do wish hat all the new products for breastfeeding moms  and baby wearing were available 16 years ago when I became a mom myself.  Just like this latest collaboration Philis Avent with Rajo Laurel did where Rajo created a multi-way wrap and bag for breastfeeding moms to make it more #comfortableanywhere.

A mini fashion show was held to show the four ways you can wear the momma wrap and it looks so good that even non moms can actually wear it.

Philips Avent x Rajo Laurel

You can get the #RajoxPhilipsAvent momma wrap and bag for free if you purchase Philips Avent products worth Php16,000 at SM Baby Company.   The  wrap is not available anywhere but through this collaboration !

The collaboration not only promotes the welfare of infants, but also allows for a more conducive nurturing environment for nursing mothers in public spaces as well.

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